Five Reasons To Choose Composite Window Sashes

When shopping for energy efficient windows, many people focus on the glass. You may look for features like dual-pane glass or low-e coatings to reflect more heat and lower your energy bills. But while the glass is a very important component of your windows, it's not the only component. You should also think and do your research when it comes to the window sash material. The sash is the material that surrounds the glass and is attached directly to it.

Today, you'll find sashes made from aluminum, vinyl, fiberglass, and an array of other materials. Your best choice, in many cases, is composite. Here's why.

Composite is a recycled material

If you are trying to remodel your home as sustainably as possible, you can't go wrong with composite. The material is usually made from reclaimed wood fibers that were the waste product of another manufacturing process, such as making wooden windows or siding. The waste wood is combined with a plastic resin to form composite, a material that looks like wood and has a wood-like texture. By buying composite, a recycled material, you are reducing the amount of waste that is being sent to a landfill, which is good for the planet.

Composite is a good insulator

When you think of energy loss through windows, you probably first think of energy loss through the glass. However, heat can travel through the window sash, too. If the sash is not made from a good insulator, then your windows won't be very efficient.

Composite does not let much heat travel through it. Not only that, but as the windows age, composite does not bend and warp like many other window sash materials tend to. It stays tight against the glass so air can't leak between the sash and the glass. Even when they're 15 or 20 years old, your composite windows will be saving you money on your energy bills.

Composite does not require painting

Painting window sashes is not likely on your list of favorite things to do. It's hard to do a perfect job on slender window sashes, and if you don't treat and paint wooden sashes, they will deteriorate quickly. Thankfully, you do not have to paint composite windows. The color generally extends all of the way through the material, and composite is resistant to rot and water damage without the protection that paint offers. If you get tired of the color of your windows, you can paint the sashes — but it's not a necessity. 

Composite does not attract termites

If you live in an area where termites are common, you really need to watch your windows. Termites often attack wooden window sashes since the sashes tend to become soft and rotten quite quickly. Composite, however, is completely unappealing to termites. You don't have to treat it with insecticides or any other chemicals.

Composite stays looking nice

Wooden window sashes start out looking nice and smooth, but even if you paint them often, they eventually start to deteriorate and chip. Metal sashes may corrode after a while, and vinyl can become yellowed and discolored. Composite windows, however, stay looking new and fresh for much longer. Since the color extends all of the way through the material, they don't look blotchy and chipped. They don't rust or corrode, either. Plus, you can find composite in most any color or pattern, so it coordinates perfectly with your home.

To learn more about composite window sashes, reach out to a window replacement company in your area. Most window replacement companies offer composite windows and highly recommend them to customers for the reasons listed above.
